BluWood is a new product designed to protect all structural wood components from termites, fungus, rot and mold.
BluWood is the product of a factory-applied, two-product treatment now called the Perfect Barrier System. First, the infusion film encapsulates wood substrates, forming a water-repellant, vapor-permeable barrier, which allows vapor to escape while keeping damaging, costly moisture out. The next step of this proprietary technology is the DOT Wood Preservative, a proven fungicide and insecticide that provides protection from rot, fungi and insects � making the wood virtually uninhabitable.
Also central to the product�s effectiveness is its ability to protect wood components from the moment they leave the treatment facility, and remain protected throughout the construction process � a time when traditional wood treatments are particularly vulnerable to exposure caused by construction delays, weather and other factors. BluWood also carries a lifetime warranty, which is transferable through sales to successive owners for the first 30 years of its life span.
Not designed to be an exclusive �boutique� product, BluWood fits easily into the normal contractor�s supply chain